About Us

Amidst her travels, her studies, and her wok, Nejume emphasizes that Florida is almost Paradise, and a perfect port of departure for going anyplace in the globe.
Her art life has yielded exhibitions in Los Angeles, Japan, China, Washington DC, New York City, Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Jerusalem. Cuzco, and Miami.
Her Art Work has been sent to various parts of the Globe and has been seen and reviewed all over the World.
Her art is unique, in that it brings to life her experiences and her inner peace, joy and harmony. Nejume’s art has been influenced by her audiences with Nobel Prize Winners, HH The Dalai Lama, and HH Desmond Tutu, and by the Spiritual Presence of Rabbi Schneerson, Leader of Orthodox Jews, HH Ravi Shankar, Osho, and many other powerful holy people throughout her global travels. Nejume pours her heart into her paintings, reflecting her healing of the poor and disenfranchised. Her paintings demonstrate a feeling of Oneness with the environment, causing some to actually weep with joy upon viewing them. Nejume’s paintings are now being offered to the public. Please visit the art section on this site.

In her Work as Energy Healing Therapist, her clinics in Florida are blooming, and her practice is growing and spreading (You can visit the Press Links). Nejume also maintains a Healing Center that will be able to host Healing Practitioners from all over the world – Masters and Teachers, writers in various fields, and other remarkable people – so that all together will be able to provide service with unconditional love. So that we can help one another, laugh, love, and enjoy all the wonders of this beautiful world, to make a difference in the world and leave it a better place than when we arrived, to contribute as much as we can, and to laugh as much as possible, especially at ourselves…

Nejume also continues her study of belly dancing, being so happy to dance her happiness to the world…this is at one with her growing feelings of discovering and celebrating the commencement of birth through woman’s body – “The Light of Woman.”
She goes on working from her Love of Life…very diligently….and with all her Heart…as always…